TheNvelope can be a high-bandwidth, technically demanding site. You may experience difficulties if you don't have the latest versions of the following programs and plug-ins:

  1. For all pieces, use Netscape 3.0 or, better yet, 3.01 (in the case of "Transeform" you need Netscape 4.0).
  2. Macromedia's Shockwave plug-in (used in "Cyberslacker 2001", "Eve of the Future", and "Two Logos in Every Garage").
  3. The Real Audio plug-in (used in "Transeform" and "In My Room").

In addition, you should:
  1. Allocate as much RAM to Netscape as you can.
  2. Run a fresh version of Netscape.
  3. Clear your cache.
  4. Get down on your knees and pray to that what made you.