The VRS 3000 is state-of-the-art software which takes in factual information from the non-virgin, performs complex, rigorous calculations, and through a process called virgination, finds the algorithm needed to restore your virginity. Hard to believe? It's true!

A group of highly skilled scientists set out on a multi-million dollar research study that eventually led to a breakthrough in the understanding of virginity. This knowledge was then examined by a group of top computer scientists who worked for six intense years on developing VRS 3000. The chief developer, Dr. Rachel Kadarinsky Ph.D., led the team to its victorious creation through numerous and often painful prototypes. The team worked on 36 hour shifts in a race to complete the project within the allotted 6 year deadline. Focusing on structure instead of content, the team managed to created an incredibly efficient and compact software package. VRS 3000 is programmed in endodecimal (base 11). This unusual approach to programming allowed the team to free themselves from their logical thinking patterns and rise up to another celestial plane in computer science.

What was once a long and painful process, now takes seconds. VRS 3000 can and will change your life.

What do you need to do?
How will you know that you are a virgin again?

It's never too late to GET IT BACK!

Copyright © 1999, The Society for the Recapture of Virginity & Studio Holdings, LLC.
All Rights reserved.